Weeeeee’rrrre back!
After a short (13 years!) break to travel, work, have children and experience a bit more of what life has to offer, we return with a revived website on composting toilets aimed to promote this very eco friendly way to treat your toilet wastes
“We” is Kevin Ison and Ian Blandford, old hands at composting toilets.
Kevin, doing the editing from his base in UK and Ian assisting from his pad in Australia.
Yes, we have been here before!
You can check out the old website on the Wayback Machine (http://web.archive.org/web/*/compostingtoilet.org) showing the website at www.compostingtoilet.org called “The World of Composting toilets”.
The actual start date of the website is lost in time, but the the first crawl by the bots to be on 8th April 2000 and out tenure ended when we sold the domain name to Sancor in 2004
But what inspires us to promote such a non conventional subject as composting toilets?
It all started in the mid eighties on the Sunshine Coast of Australia, when I (Kevin), the carpenter, plonked a magazine article on the table in from of Ian, the plumber, and said “This will put you out of work mate!”.
Rather than fear the waterless toilet taking work, we saw the environmental benefits and embraced it and become dealers for Clivus Multrum on the east coast of Australia, introducing composting toilets to Queensland and Northern Territory.
We were joined by Paul Tanner, who designed some great portal frame amenities buildings for remote areas and these were sold and installed for Forestry Department, National Parks and local authorities as well as installing composting toilets for private individuals.
We went on to design and build a combined basement and composting toilet called the RAW system and test other designs of composting toilet and reed bed grey water treatment systems.
Kevin then ran away to Europe, finally settling in the Yorkshire countryside and continued to do occasional consulting and construction on composting toilets while Ian did the same in Australia.
We have kept an eye on the composting toilet world and realised, that while the knowledge and use of composting toilets around the world has exploded, the information was scattered and hard to gather.
We have resurrected this website as a project of the newly formed Eekos Cooperative.
We hope that this site will help to promote composting toilets and inspire individuals to lead a more sustainable life.
If you want to play a part in this project, give us a call or ring
We also offer consultancy and if you are planning on building composting toilets in a warm, sunny, tropical location, please contact us, (winter in the UK is wet and dark!).
Kevin Ison (Editor)